Friday, November 17, 2006


Just two quick reminder folks:

The Pizza night is still on for this evening. It’s at Decent Pizza on N. Monroe. Decent Pizza is smack dab between 3rd and 4th Avenues for those of you who’ve never been. It starts at 6:30. Call 212-0734 if you have any questions.

The C.S. Lewis/Screwtape Letters group is tomorrow night at Samanth & Wade’s house, 7 PM. The address is 1509 Hilltop Dr. 32303. Call 284-4324 if you’ve got questions on how to get there. This week’s reading is Ch. 6 of the Screwtape Letters. The reading is very short, and we always recite the reading out-loud at the group so if you don’t have a copy of the Screwtape Letters don’t let that stop you from coming.


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