Thursday, October 19, 2006

Grad Fellowship events this weekend

--Friday night, tommorrow, at 6:30 PM
Pizza night at Decent Pizza at 1026 N. Monroe St.
It's right between 3 & 4th avenues on the left as you're going North

--Saturday night, Oct. 21st
Screwtape Letters group at the Paulo & Adriana Ribeiro's house.
7 PM. Directions are:
2626 East Park Avenue
Polos on Park Apartments (on the left side of the road as you are heading east, which is away from campus)
Apt. 4307
The gate code is 2087
Phone 616-826-0147
Turn left just after the gate and park on the top parking space.
The Ribeiros are planning on serving dinner so if you are coming please RSVP to them at or

NEXT WEEK!! on Friday night Oct. 27
Four Oaks Church is hosting a Costume party for their college and grad group at
the home of Stuart & Teri Christmas and GCF has been invited.
If you are interested RSVP to me so I can let the party coordinator know how many are coming.


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