Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Announcement on Screwtape Letters Group -- Starts October 7

You are invited!

Please make plans to attend the opening night of

C.S. Lewis'

The Screwtape Letters

This study will be led by Paulo and Adrianna Ribeiro

who are on loan to us from Calvin College in Michigan

where he is a Professor of Electrical Engineering,

and she teaches Human Biology and Anatomy.

Paulo (originally from Brasil) and Adrianna (originally from the Netherlands)

are here while Paulo serves as a visiting Professor at FSU's Mag-Lab.

He has been studying and writing about C.S. Lewis

for 30+ years! We are truly blessed to have them with us.

This study will be held weekly

on Saturday evenings at 7:00pm

and will be an in-depth study of each letter,

along with a look at how Lewis' other writings fold into the story.

Our first session will be October 7th

to be hosted by Wade & Samantha Bradt

who live at 1509 Hilltop Dr. (where the NSO party was held).

Directions sponsored by MapQuest included below.

Please call Wade or Samantha at 850-575-2482 with any questions.

Look forward to seeing you there!


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