Monday, August 28, 2006

Greetings to old friends and new

We've been getting a lot of hits over at our Myspace site. Our "profile view" counter says that we've gotten close to fifty hits now which means there's more than a few of you out there who got the e-mail or picked up the flyer last week at the outreach table and are checking us out, or, as Ellen likes to say "stalking us" online.

Whether you're a new friend of grad fellowship or an old friend we want to extend the welcome or welcome back to you in the name of our Lord Jesus. And if you're one of those who we met last year and you were only able to come out for one or two events and you're still on the e-mail list you are still very much welcome to be involved as little or as much as you desire.

Grad fellowship is a ministry to graduate students & faculty so let us know how we can minister to you in practical ways. If that means you need someone to pray with you or for you we can do that. If you need someone to give you a ride to church or the mechanic we'll do our dead level best to help out with that too. And of course we have our various and sundry Bible studies and book discussion groups not to mention various get togethers whether to hike up a mountain, make a bonfire, eat chocolate fondue or watch Pride and Prejudice. We haven't figured out how to do all four of those at the same event, but someday....we'll let you know when.

posted by: Jay


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