Monday, August 28, 2006

Schedule update

Last Week

Thanks and greetings to everyone who came out Friday night and made the kick-off party a big success. Wade counted thirty-five people who's feet crossed the threshhold at one time or another. Hopefully we'll have some pictures from the party posted soon.

This Week

To give everyone a chance to settle into their schedules we will not be starting our weekly schedule of events until after Labor Day weekend. There is however the camping trip coming up this weekend. If you want to get in on that, but haven't let us know e-mail me @

Next Week

We'll post another reminder, but here is what we have planned for next week:

Sept. 5th Tuesday night -- Dead Theologians Society 7 PM led by James Knudson

Sept. 7th Thursday night -- Kierkegaard Reading group led by Travis Timmons

--I'll post directions and more details in a separate post.

Sept. 8th Friday night -- Pizza night at Momos on Market Street (the address is 1410 Market St. #C1, 32312 for mapquest users).

About Bible Study I hope to know something more about this in the next couple of days. As many of you know I'm unfortunately having to take time away from campus this semester to fundraise and I won't be able to lead the Bible study as I normally would. I'm meeting with somebody later this week who would be an excellent, probably even superior substitute. I don't know if he'll be able to fill in, but once I know I'll post it online.

Giving students & faculty an opportunity and encouragement to study the Bible is a central part of who we are, and I don't intend to let it fall by the wayside even if I have to take time away from FSU this fall. Stay tuned.

posted by: Jay


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