Tuesday, September 19, 2006

More about things going on this week

Dead Theologians Society at 7 PM at Steve & Margo Payne's house. The book we are reading in DTS this semester is Karl Barth's Dogmatics in Outline. We haven't really gotten started with the book yet so it's not too late to join in. Steve & Margo's house is at 1559 Cristobal Ct. If you need further directions call me, 212-0734, James Knudson, 766-0608, or the Paynes at 668-9098.

Kierkegaard group -- this group is reading Works of Love by Soren Kierkegaard, and meets at Travis Timmons house. Travis's house is at 1108 Carraway Street 32308 and his phone number is 459-2562.

Friday night pizza night -- no books needed for this! We'll meet at Decent Pizza on N. Monroe at 6:30. For those of you who've never been there. Decent Pizza is on the left between 3rd and 4th Avenue on North Monroe St. Call 212-0734 if you need directions.

Weekend Beach Camping Trip GCF Faculty member Adreanna & Paulo Ribeiro are going camping this weekend at St. Joseph state park. See the blog entry just previous to this one for details.

let us know if you have any questions!

--posted by Jay


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