Monday, October 23, 2006


On Thursday November 2 the FSU Philosophy and Education Departments, in concert with an organization called the Center for Inquiry are hosting The Great Debate, Does God Exist? at the Tallahassee Civic Center.

Arguing the pro side will be professor Richard Swinburne of Oxford University in England, and widely known as one of the ablest philosophical proponents of God’s existence alive today

Arguing the con side will be R. Joseph Hoffman, scholar in the development of Early Christianity, and lately of the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, New York.

This is not an official InterVarsity or Graduate Christian Fellowship event, but we are encouraging everyone to both for the opportunity to witness and dialogue, and to hear a scholar of Dr. Swinburne’s caliber.

You can read the official debate here (assuming you have Adobe Reader): We’ll be posting more on this event (there may be a group of us who go together) in the next week.

--posted by: Jay


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