Monday, October 30, 2006

Graduate Christian Fellowship Schedule for 10/30-11/3

Tuesday October 31st – Bible Study on the book of Hebrews at 7:30 PM
Where: Jay’s house, 1329 Burgess Drive, 32304
Call: 212-0734 for details and directions

Wednesday November 1st Book group on Soren Kierkegaard’s Works of Love at 7 PM
Where: Travis’s house, 1108 Carraway Drive, 32308
Call: 459-2562

Thursday night November 2 Debate on the topic of “Does God Exist?” 7 PM at the Civic Center with Richard Swinburne (pro) and R. Joseph Hoffman (con). The debate is not an official InterVarsity event, and is being sponsored locally by the FSU Philosophy & Communication Departments and a local entity called the Center for Inquiry. More information is at Admission is $2 for FSU students & faculty.

We are trying to get a group to go to the debate together. If you want to go, RSVP to or call 212-0734 by 5 PM Wednesday, and I’ll give you details.

posted by Jay


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