Monday, December 11, 2006

Grad Fellowship Schedule 12/11-12/16

Just a brief post to let all of you know that grad fellowship events with one exception are on offical hiatus for exam week and the Christmas break. We will be having the Screwtape Letters group this Saturday night at 7 PM. After that all activities will cease until the second week of classes in January when we’ll start back up.

The Screwtape Letters group will be at Paulo & Adriana’s apt. Their address is 2626 E. Park Avenue (Polos on Park apartments), apt. # 4307. Their phone number is 616-826-0147 if you get lost. Please let Paulo & Adriana know if you are coming; RSVP to

May the Lord bless and strengthen you and bring you joy as you labor through exam week and celebrate the season of His birth.

posted by Jay


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