FSU Graduate Christian Fellowship

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dead Theologians Society's....

First meeting has been moved from Tuesday the 5th to Tuesday the 12th at 7PM. The book for DTS this semester is Dogmatics in Outline by Karl Barth. If you are interested in DTS this semester, but you want to give the book a look-see, or go ahead and order a copy this is a link to Amazon's page on it with various purchasing options, and this is link to the location of Strozier Library's one copy.

James Knudson will be leading the study, and it will be hosted at the Paynes. I'll send out refresher directions and more details when I get back from my various and sundry travels this weekend.

posted by Jay

Monday, August 28, 2006

Schedule update

Last Week

Thanks and greetings to everyone who came out Friday night and made the kick-off party a big success. Wade counted thirty-five people who's feet crossed the threshhold at one time or another. Hopefully we'll have some pictures from the party posted soon.

This Week

To give everyone a chance to settle into their schedules we will not be starting our weekly schedule of events until after Labor Day weekend. There is however the camping trip coming up this weekend. If you want to get in on that, but haven't let us know e-mail me @ jamesmwoodham2@earthlink.net.

Next Week

We'll post another reminder, but here is what we have planned for next week:

Sept. 5th Tuesday night -- Dead Theologians Society 7 PM led by James Knudson

Sept. 7th Thursday night -- Kierkegaard Reading group led by Travis Timmons

--I'll post directions and more details in a separate post.

Sept. 8th Friday night -- Pizza night at Momos on Market Street (the address is 1410 Market St. #C1, 32312 for mapquest users).

About Bible Study I hope to know something more about this in the next couple of days. As many of you know I'm unfortunately having to take time away from campus this semester to fundraise and I won't be able to lead the Bible study as I normally would. I'm meeting with somebody later this week who would be an excellent, probably even superior substitute. I don't know if he'll be able to fill in, but once I know I'll post it online.

Giving students & faculty an opportunity and encouragement to study the Bible is a central part of who we are, and I don't intend to let it fall by the wayside even if I have to take time away from FSU this fall. Stay tuned.

posted by: Jay

Greetings to old friends and new

We've been getting a lot of hits over at our Myspace site. Our "profile view" counter says that we've gotten close to fifty hits now which means there's more than a few of you out there who got the e-mail or picked up the flyer last week at the outreach table and are checking us out, or, as Ellen likes to say "stalking us" online.

Whether you're a new friend of grad fellowship or an old friend we want to extend the welcome or welcome back to you in the name of our Lord Jesus. And if you're one of those who we met last year and you were only able to come out for one or two events and you're still on the e-mail list you are still very much welcome to be involved as little or as much as you desire.

Grad fellowship is a ministry to graduate students & faculty so let us know how we can minister to you in practical ways. If that means you need someone to pray with you or for you we can do that. If you need someone to give you a ride to church or the mechanic we'll do our dead level best to help out with that too. And of course we have our various and sundry Bible studies and book discussion groups not to mention various get togethers whether to hike up a mountain, make a bonfire, eat chocolate fondue or watch Pride and Prejudice. We haven't figured out how to do all four of those at the same event, but someday....we'll let you know when.

posted by: Jay

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Grad fellowship facebook page

is at http://fsu.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2202428751

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Grad Fellowship Myspace page:

For those of you who are Myspace users grad fellowship has a myspace page at www.myspace.com/fsugradfellowship. Check it out!

A little more about us:

Grad fellowship is a non-denominational evangelical Christian ministry to graduate students and faculty at FSU. We are both a registered student organization with FSU and affiliated nationally with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's Graduate Student & Faculty Ministry.

Our chapter faith statement is here and our mission statement here.

To learn more about InterVarsity's Graduate Student & Faculty Ministry you can look here and here

In essence we're a group of graduate students and faculty who seek (quite imperfectly) to bear witness to Christ in the University and to build community with both Christians and non-Christians along the way.

That's a bit of a stuffy way of putting it, but at 1:40 in the morning the best I can do for now :-). We're not a stuffy bunch though. Come and join us!

Details on and directions to the party Friday night:

The party this Friday night will be a get-to-know-you-affair at the home of Wade and Samantha Bradt from 6:30 to 10 PM

Wade and Samantha live at 1509 Hilltop Drive for those of you who want to use mapquest. For those of you who prefer directions here is how you get there from campus:

--follow Tennessee St. away from the capital to the intersection with High Road and turn right (for those of you new in town, if you see Subway you've gone past High Road, but you can take the next right at Ocala and be alright)

--Follow High Road exactly 1 mile to the intersection with Tharpe St. and turn right. Then take your first left onto Croydon

On Croydon take your third right which is Hilltop Drive. Wade & Samantha's house is the second on the right. The mailbox is clearly labelled 1509.

The party itself will be pretty casual. We'll have a few board games/party games on hand if the mood seems to be drifting in that direction. The GCF leaders will also share about what will be going on this semester. About food; there'll be plenty of it, supplied by us: we'll have salad, bread, and appetizers on hand with a "main course" of pizza from Momos and Decent Pizza. Jay will be making a couple of his cheese cakes and Joe will be making his chocolate fondue for dessert (and there may be a couple of extra surprises in this regard).

If you have any questions about the party please don't hesitate to call Jay at 212-0734.

Here is what's going on in grad fellowship this week:

Tommorrow (Wednesday) -- Outreach table at the Student Life Building from 1:30-5:30 PM.

Thursday 7-9 PM (end time approximate) Outreach Table in Student Union Courtyard

-- At either Outreach Table event look for the table with a big banner that says InterVarsity Graduate & Faculty Ministries. That's us!

Friday night 6:30-10 (?)PM -- Beginning of the Semester Party (separate post for directions & details)

Hello Everyone,

This is the inaugural post for the FSU's Graduate Christian Fellowship chapter blog.

In the coming days Jay, Katie, Travis, and Ellen will be posting information for new and returning students on our events for the upcoming semester. We plan to continue to use this a resource for getting informationa and ideas to and from the GCF community.