Friday, May 25, 2007

Two items:

First a quick reminder that the T.S. Eliot group is on Saturday mornings from 10:30 to 12 at Travis & Katie's house. We are making our way through the the Four Quartets. Let me know if you want to join us.

The Screwtape Letters Group will in fact be meetting this summer, but only from time to time due to Paulo & Adriana's travel commitments.

This week the group will be meeting tommorrow (Saturday) night at Samantha & Wade Bradt's house at 7 PM. The group will be looking at letter number 14 in the Screwtape Letters. The Ribeiro's will have a copy of the letter on hand (it is pretty short) so you don't even have to bring your own copy.

The Bradts live at 1509 Hilltop Drive, 32303. If you don't trust mapquest, here's how you get there from campus. Take Tennessee St. West to High Rd. and turn right. Follow High Rd. 1 mile to Tharpe St. and turn right. Take your first left which is Croydon St. Once on Croydon take your third right which is Hilltop. Samantha & Wade's house is the second on the right.

Let me know if you have any questions.



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