Monday, April 09, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a joyful Easter.

April is torture-month for most graduate students, and I know it is for many of you. We’ll be holding a prayer-vigil for finals, papers, grading and other end-of-the-semester dragons you all have to slay next week on the evening of the18th. More details are to follow soon. In the meantime put it on your calendar, and if you can’t come think about sending us any prayer requests you’d like for us to remember. My e-mail is

Given that we are in the home stretch for the semester this is the last week we’ll have a full schedule of regular activities until summer classes get cranking. Here they are.

Tuesday night: Coffee Pub night at 6:30. A come-and-go evening of agenda-less fun at the Coffee Pub

Thursday night: Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews also at 6:30 and also at the Coffee Pub. The study lasts until 8.

Saturday morning: the T.S. Eliot group is meeting at 10:30 at Katie & Travis’s house. They will be starting a discussion on “the Four Quartets” the full text of which is online here:

--the Screwtape Letters Group is not meeting this week, but will resume next Saturday evening.

Let me know if you have questions about anything.

--posted by Jay


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