FSU Graduate Christian Fellowship

Monday, December 11, 2006

Schedule Update -- SMB Concerts & c.

Real quick everyone,

Due to a conspiracy of circumstances the Screwtape Letters group is officially cancelled this week. Like everything else in grad fellowship, it is on hiatus till January.

One thing I forgot to mention earlier -- there are no grad fellowship activities this week, but GCF friends the Sarah Mac Band are having two concerts this weekend to celebrate the release of their first EP. The first is on Friday night at Element 3 out on Mahan Drive, and the second is Saturday night out at the Warehouse on Gaines St. If you are sticking around after finals at all you might want to go out and hear them.

Details on the concerts as well as samples of their music may be found at http://www.myspace.com/sarahmacband.

--posted by Jay

Grad Fellowship Schedule 12/11-12/16

Just a brief post to let all of you know that grad fellowship events with one exception are on offical hiatus for exam week and the Christmas break. We will be having the Screwtape Letters group this Saturday night at 7 PM. After that all activities will cease until the second week of classes in January when we’ll start back up.

The Screwtape Letters group will be at Paulo & Adriana’s apt. Their address is 2626 E. Park Avenue (Polos on Park apartments), apt. # 4307. Their phone number is 616-826-0147 if you get lost. Please let Paulo & Adriana know if you are coming; RSVP to pribeiro@calvin.edu

May the Lord bless and strengthen you and bring you joy as you labor through exam week and celebrate the season of His birth.

posted by Jay

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Graduate Christian Fellowship Schedule 12/4-12/9

Hello everyone,

This is the last week of activities for the semester for grad fellowship EXCEPT for the Screwtape Letters group which will meet finals week. We pray that God may bless and strengthen you as you take those finals and write those papers.

The big event for this week as you’ve already gotten the e-mail about is the Christmas party this Saturday night at 6:30. By all means join us for that if you can!

Meanwhile here is the schedule for this week.

Tuesday: Bible Study for this week is cancelled!

Wednesday 7 PM Kierkegaard group at Travis’s house 1108 Carraway St. 32308
Call: 459-2562 if you have questions.

Saturday The Screwtape Letters Group is cancelled. The Christmas party is at 6:30 PM. See the previous blog post for details about the party.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


The annual symphony of flame, chocolate fondue, hot chili, and apple cider that is the Grad Fellowship Christmas Party will rapidly be upon us. Doesn't that sound great?

Here are the details. The party will be at the home of Stuart & Teri Christmas, and it starts at 6:30 PM. Stuart and Teri live in what you could call the country. That makes it a bit of a hike to get to, but it also makes it perfect for bonfires and looking at the stars. You could even get loud and get funky if the mood strikes you.

The address for the Christmases is 13084 Ginny Lane, 32308. Their home phone is 668-8590. If mapquest doesn't strike your fancy here are directions from campus:

--Take Tennessee St. to N. Monroe and turn left (heading north)
--Take N. Monroe to the intersection of Tharpe St. and turn right
--Tharpe quickly dead ends into Meridian; turn left onto Meridian
--Go 13 miles to the intersection of Ginny Lane and turn left (your landmark will be a long white fence on the left side of the road, when you see it start slowing down).
--On Ginny Lane veer right for >.2 miles (two-tenths). 13084 Ginny lane will be clearly marked on the mailbox and is on the left (I'll have signs out too).

On the menu:

Chili (herbivorous & carnivorous varieties)
baked bread
various fruits
chocolate fondue

Let me know if you've got any questions. If you can, let me know if you're showing up (e-mail jwoodham@gfmse.org). You're welcome if you crash the party, but it would be good to have a head count.

--posted by Jay