FSU Graduate Christian Fellowship

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Update on tomorrow night's potluck & tonight's Bible Study

--About the potluck

This is a quick reminder about the potluck dinner tomorrow night at Travis & Katie's house at 7 PM. Here are directions to there. From campus, take Tennessee to Monroe and turn left (North). Take Monroe to the Y intersection w/ Thomasville Road and veer right on Thomasville Road. Follow Thomasville Rd just past the I-10 interchange and turn right on Timberlane. Follow Timberlane approximately 1.1 miles to Sawgrass Plantation subdivision and turn left. Go straight approximately two-tenths of a mile. Katie & Travis's house is #2907 (house number is right by the door) and is on the right side of the road.

If you are coming please, please RSVP to Travis, tpt05@fsu.edu, or Katie, merrill@psy.fsu.edu. You can also RSVP to Travis by phone at 459-2562.

--About the Bible Study

Because of a recent crime spree in my neighborhood I'm relocating the Bible Study to the Coffee Pub until I can find another campus-central location to host it. We're studying the Book of Hebrews and we'll still meet from 7:30-9PM.

--posted by Jay

Ooops I missed posting this on Monday!


Welcome back from Spring Break everyone!

Here is the grad fellowship schedule for this week 3/12-3/18:

Tuesday -- Coffee Pub night, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Thursday -- Bible Study on book of Hebrews, 7:30-9PM, location TBA

Friday -- Potluck supper at Travis & Katie's house 7:00 PM. I'll post directions on Wednesday.

Saturday -- 10:30 AM T.S. Eliot reading group at Travis & Katie's house. Contact Travis, tpt05@fsu.edu, for more details

Saturday -- 7 PM Screwtape Letters group at Paulo & Adriana's house.
Paulo & Adriana's house is at 2626 East Park Avenue
Polos on Park Apartments (on the left side of the road as you are heading east, which is away from campus). PLEASE! RSVP if you want to be included for dinner.
Apt. 4307. Paulo's contact info. is Phone 616-826-0147 e-mail pribeiro@calvin.edu.

--posted by Jay