FSU Graduate Christian Fellowship

Monday, February 26, 2007

A BIG Week in Grad Fellowship this week and there’s more to come:

We’re on the downhill slide towards Spring Break this week, but we’ve got a full plate in Grad Fellowship:

Tuesday Night is becoming pretty much the official night for our Coffee Pub gatherings, and this week is no different. We’re meeting at 6:30 and going till 8.

Thursday night: 7:30-9 PM Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews at my house, 1329 Burgess Drive, 32304. E-mail me at jwoodham@gfmse.org if you need more details.

Saturday – This is the big day!

--8:15 AM – 1 PM Kayaking trip on the Wakulla River followed by brown bag lunch with the Screwtape Letters group. E-mail Paulo Ribeiro at pribeiro@calvin.edu for more details

--10:30 AM: New breakast group reading the Christian works of T.S. Eliot hosted at Katie & Travis Timmons house. Contact Travis at tpt05@fsu.edu for more info.

--7 PM Screwtape Letters group is meeting at Paulo & Adriana’s house and reading Letter XII in the Screwtape Letters. For more details, e-mail Paulo at pribeiro@calvin.edu.

Beyond this week:

--Friday March 16, Potluck Supper at Katie & Travis’s house – details forthcoming

--A future Saturday in March; Day-hiking trip to the Appalachicol River Bluffs in Torreya State Park.

Have a great Spring Break!

posted by Jay

New Grad Fellowship Group on T.S. Eliot begins this Saturday

Katie and Travis Timmons are starting a Saturday morning breakfast group on the Christian works of T.S. Eliot. The group will meet on Saturday mornings at 10:30. The breakfast will be supplied via potluck, rotating cooking duties, or everyone throwing in a few bucks each week for Katie & Travis to supply it.

For more details e-mail Katie, Merrill@psy.fsu.edu or Travis, tpt05@fsu.edu. Or call Travis at 459-2562.

--posted by Jay

Friday, February 23, 2007


For those of you sticking around for Spring Break the Screwtape Letters group would like to tempt you into joining them for a kayaking trip.

When: Saturday March 3, 8:15AM – 1:00 PM
How: We rent Kayaks and row down the Wakulla River (Kayak rental is $20; if that’s a problem contact Paul & Adriana about it – pribeiro@calvin.edu and they should be able to help you out
Food: Bring your own brown bag lunch
Where: Meet at 8:15AM in the parking lot at the start of the St. Mark’s Bike Trail and drive together to the Kayak rental/landing.

Please let them know if you plan to join in: pribeiro@calvin.edu or 616-826-0146.

The group will meet as usual for dinner and discussion of Letter XII in the Screwtape Letters at the Ribeiros at 7PM.

--posted by Jay

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello everyone,

Due to a combination of getting ready for the Colloquium this weekend and several fundraising projects I need to get done before I leave town, I am cancelling Bible study for this week.

We will most definitely pick it back up again next week.

--posted by Jay

Monday, February 19, 2007

Grad Fellowship Schedule for 2/19-2/25

Hello Everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Tuesday: Coffee Pub Night 6:30 - 8 PM: Remember this event has no agenda, no topic of conversation is too irrelevant. It's just an excuse to get together.

Thursday: 7:30-9PM -- Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews at Jay's House: 1329 Burgess Drive. Call 212-0734 if you need further directions.

Saturday 9:30AM-5PM: The Gulf States Colloquium on Faith & Learning at the Christian Study Center in Gainesville. What is this thing you ask? Go to the website, http://www.gfmse.org/07colloquium.html and you'll find out. If you need more details and a way to get to the event e-mail yours truly at jwoodham@gfmse.org.

Blessings, to all this week!

--posted by Jay

Thursday, February 15, 2007

This post is a reminder about the Grad Fellowship workshop this weekend that we’ve given the fancy title of the Spring Symposium on Scholarship. The purpose of the event is simple, and so is its format. Being a Christian in a secular graduate school raises the unique challenge and opportunity of doing good academic work while bearing faithful witness to Christ. The workshop Saturday will feature four presentations from Christian grad students that illuminate these challenges and opportunities.

They are:

--Jamie Watson, from the FSU philosophy department, will make a presentation on “The Beast in Me: Morality and the Problem of Evil in Johnny Cash’s Music” taken from material he’s preparing for publication.

--Lindsey Harrington will present on her research into the Santa Clara Monastery of Havana during the Cuban Revolution.

--Mara Ginnane, from the American Studies program, will present “Under the Knife: A Personal Struggle with Feminism and Christianity.”

--Matt Harrington will present on "The Worke Wee May Doe in the
World: Justifying a 17th Century Preemptive War."

Here are some other important specifics:

--The event lasts from 10AM-3PM this Saturday in the fellowship hall at Saint Peter’s Anglican Church. St. Peters is at 901 Thomasville Rd. You get there from campus by turning right on Monroe from Tennessee Street and turning right onto Thomasville Rd. at the Y intersection by the Prince Murat Hotel. Further directions and parking information is at http://www.saint-peters.net/directions.

--Bagels, donuts & coffee will be available in the morning plus a full lunch of Publix subs and salad at 12.

--There will be a $3 fee per person to cover costs payable to me.

Please please RSVP if you are coming, but we won’t turn you away if you just show up.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Grad Fellowship Schedule 2/14-2/18

Hey everybody,

This week's schedule update is late due to my travels, a fact for which I apologize.

Here is what's going on.

Thursday 7:30-9PM Bible Study on Hebrews at Jay's house which is at 1329 Burgess Drive, 32304. If you need further directions call me at 212-0734.

Friday Coffee Pub gathering: 5:30-7:30 PM. The Coffee Pub is at the corner of 5th Avenue and Thomasville Rd. for those of you who haven't visited yet.

Saturday is the Grad Fellowship Symposium on Scholarship from 10AM to 3 PM at St. Peter's Anglican Church. I"ll be posting more on this very shortly.

Let me know if you have any questions.

--Posted by Jay

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Schedule change -- Screwtape Letters Group is on for this weekend:

Hi everybody,

I'm on vacation, but I'm still working. Contrary to what I thought the Ribeiros are in town this weekend and the Screwtape Letters group is meeting at 7 PM. The discussion will center around Letter 11 in SL. If you don't have your own copy or don't have time to read don't worry. The group always reads this week's entry together when we meet.

If you would like to come and also join everyone for Adriana's home-cooked meal then be sure and RSVP to pribeiro@calvin.edu.

Enjoy your weekend!!

--posted by Jay

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

InterVarsity Grad Fellowship at FSU 2/6 - 2/11

Hello everybody,

Due to the fact that the Ribieros are out of town and the staff worker (me) is taking all too brief a vacation there are no grad fellowship activities on the schedule this week.

We'll pick back up with a normal schedule next weekend.

--posted by Jay